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give today
donor portal
about us
annual report
diversity, equity, and inclusion
investment philosophy
our team
what is tfec?
contact us
giving with TFEC >
TFEC properties, inc.
corporate social responsibility >
educational improvement tax credit program (eitc)
hardship fund
create a fund
list of funds
community projects >
establishing a community project
current projects
fundraising campaigns
nonprofit services >
agency funds
management services
capital campaigns
private foundation services
current grant opportunities
grantseeker resources
grantee toolkit & reporting
regional foundations
dillsburg area community foundation
franklin county community foundation
greater harrisburg community foundation
mechanicsburg area community foundation
perry county community foundation
emerging philanthropists program >
harrisburg hoopla
TFEC early education initiative >
early education resource center
the basics movement
the fund for women & girls
find a scholarship >
current high school seniors
current college and graduate students
students enrolling in a trade school
can i reapply?
other scholarship opportunities
student resources >
checklist for seniors
find a scholarship
claiming an award
scholarship match program
parent resources >
find a scholarship
claiming an award
scholarship match program
high school counselor resources
creating a scholarship
professional advisors
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